
昨日読了した本「自分再起動  自由度の高い人生を生み出す究極の方法」(クリス・ギレボー著  本田直之 監訳)から自分独自の「ストーリー」をつくるクエスト(冒険)について多くのヒントを得ることができました。今日から『自分再起動』を開始します。第一のクエストは、「コミュニケーションツールとしての英語力を3ヶ月間で『本物』にする」です。
  • 使っている英語のカテゴリーがかなり偏っている。
  • 過去に学んだ知識を十分に活用できていない
  • インプットの量に比べると、アウトプット量が圧倒的に少ない
From the book "The Happiness of Pursuit"( by Chris Guillebeau) I read through yesterday, I got many tips about "quest" that makes my original "story".
I have just started to "reboot myself" today. The first "quest" is "to make my command of English  "really useful" as communication tool within three months".
Although English skills are necessary to proceed with my works, I think that my command of English is not enough to input from what others said and to output something to them immediately as needed.
I assume that the followings are causes:
  • Categories of English which I have been using are remarkably one-sided.
  •  Knowledge I learned in the past cannot be sufficiently put to practical use.
  • Compared to volume of input, the quantity of output is extremely less .
Not apply only to languages including English, all knowledge and know-how will become valuable only after we use them.
I would  therefore like to make my command of English "really useful" by restudying what I learned in the past and outputting them. 
As one of the acts, I will update my two blogs in both Japanese and English from now on.
If you find out anything to be modified in the sentences of this blog, please do not hesitate to revise the words or phrases. 
Thank you very much in advance for your kind acceptance.★
(In case that there is still mark "★" at the end of the blog, it means that anybody has not yet proofed reading.) 