

Today I was listening to Chopin medley 43 tracks 【for long hours of work】as BGM with YouTube during study of English.
More I concentrated contents of study, the more I forgot tracks being played, but I felt like tacks I know well came into my ears. After that, I did not mind of the tracks by focusing the study. That cycle was repeated.
Especially I thought it was effective for me that I could work on memorizing words and phrases 
for long time compared to my usual ones.(I always tried to memorize words and phrases as
a method of short-time memory during waiting time of trains or traffic signals, or in the train for about 10 minutes.)
The other day I saw a man reading aloud a text over  taking a dog walk. I thought that made a sense because walking made his brain more active and  the contents also put in his memory more easier.(I often people taking a dog walk over watching their smart phones, but most of them don't seem to be studying something...)
Simply using only "visual sense"(read to oneself) and "sensibility to touch"(transcription), but also "sense of hearing"(read aloud) is important for studying something.
Although I have never tried to other following senses,
Sense of smell: I wonder if Using aroma oils could make my ability of concentration higher or my mode become ready for study easily.
Sense of taste: Having chocolates or glucose makes my brain ability go up briefly
I am going to utilize them at a reasonable range.