
  • お盆休みの休業案内の貼り紙がない。 (閉店のお知らせもなかったのですが…)
  • 立て看板だけでなく、入口上の店名もブルーシートで隠されている。
  • 店の中が綺麗に片付いている。
  • 薄利多売による利益確保の難しさ
  • 常時4人はいたと思われる人件費の高さ
  • テナント料の値上げ(開店して2年弱でした)
  1. 常に利益率を高める工夫を凝らす
  2. 必要最低限の人数でまわるようにする
  3. 省スペースにすることにより、テナント料もできるだけ安くおさえる

Today it surprised me very much that a bakery for only 100 yen breads (not including consumption tax) suddenly closed a business.
The bread shop was near to a local library, do I often stopped by the shop to buy breads for lunch when I went to the library. 
At first, I wondered if the bread shop was closing due to "Bon holiday", however I assumed from the following points that it has completely closed a business:
  • There was no bill to announce Bon holiday(There was not a notice of closing the business, too...)
  • The shop name above the entrance was completely veiled with blue sheets as well as the stand of the advertising sign.
  • The inside of the bakery was cleaned up orderly.
The shop was always half or fully crowded when I stepped by. Both the kinds of bread and the quantity displayed in the shop were squeezed compared to the space inside the shop.
This is just my assumption, but I think the following reasons of closing:
  • Difficulty of maintaining profits in low-margin, high-volume business 
  • Expensive personnel expenses of at least  4 persons always occupied 
  • Putting up the rent(less than 2 years has passed since the bakery opened.)
Things we should learn from those points(Please allow me as a amateur of bakery business to make comments...)

  1. Trying always to exercise ingenuity to take a high profit margin 
  2. Doing tasks with the minimal manpower 
  3. Minimizing the rent with space-saving efforts 
I feel these are requirements for small business.
Although "that is easier said than done",I will take care of them on my own business cautioning myself.