
  1. 脳手術を受けた影響か、体そのものは赤ん坊のままで成長していない
  2. 脳のすべてをフル稼働させるため、はかりしれないほどのエネルギーを消費するためか、 2週間眠って2週間起きてるというサイクルを繰り返さなければならない
ベンジャミン・フランクリン(アメリカの政治家、外交官、投資家であり科学者。 1706-90)
バージル古代ローマの詩人 期限前70-19)

In this blog, I am writing details of the ideas that inspired this morning.
Prior to doing that, please let me ask one question.  Do you know the character named "001" of  of "Cyborg 009" that Mr.Shotaro Ishinomori's cartoon is?
If you are a man of the late 40's as the same generation with me, I believe you know him well. This character is different from  the other 00 number Cyborgs, no machine is implanted in his body, but in response to the brain surgery forces can exert a 100 percent with the brain, and has the brain power of 10 times compared to the work of the ordinary person. He can also use ESP, such as telepathy and psychokinesis freely, and strongly support the other members.
However, he has two major weakness as follows:

  1. Due to impact of undergoing brain surgery, he can grow up, so his body still remains baby.
  2. In order for all brain are full capacity, or to consume the immeasurable power, it must be repeated cycle of waking and sleeping 2 weeks 2 weeks.
The reason for introducing that of this character, (not the ESP ...) our capabilities are also
the same as his second weakness. In order for full capacity, I feel that we need a long charging period of time. There may be "late bloomer" as the necessary conditions in other words.
However, if accustomed to state its ability once can be used, it seems even to be able to exert more interesting.
The important thing, Once you have decided to "use", the ability, you should continue using it more and more without worrying about the results. The more you use it, its capacity is higher, the results will follow if you keep it up.
Although physical abilities fall with age, it is possible to make intellectual abilities more active at any age as long as you do not want to give up that.
Please keep trying to put your ideas  into more and more practice. Because sometimes  large "chemical reaction" s cause than originally expected.
Finally, I will introduce two quotes about the talent and ability.

Hide not your talents. They for use were made.
What's a sundial in the shade?
- Benjamin Feanklin
(US statesman. Diplomat, inventor and scientist, 1706-90)

They are able because they think they are able.
- Virgil
(Ancient Roman poet, 70 BC-19BC)