
  • 目の前の出来事を英語で『実況中継』する
  • 電車の中の英語表記を読んで、他のことに応用できないか考えてみる
  • 駅に備えている英語の地図や無料パンフレットなどを手にとって読んでみる。
  • 新聞の記事で英語学習関連を切り取って、ノートに貼り、関連項目などを書き加えて自分専用のテキストブックを作る
  • 電車などで乗り合わせた外国人の会話に聞き耳をたてる

There is a phrase called "while awake or sleep" in Zen. It has two meanings:
①The four cardinal behaviors - walking, standing, sitting and lying 
②daily behavior 
I mean, you should take daily life itself as training, I think that the concept is aplied to studying English, too.
For example, as for "output",
  • Doing on-the-spot telecast of something  in front of myself in English
  • Reading English directions in the train, then think whether they could be useful in other scenes
On the other hand, regarding input,
  • Picking up maps or pamphlets written in English, and read them through.
  • Ripping articles regarding studying English from newspapers, and past them on a note, add something related with the articles. The note book becomes my original text book.
  • Pricking up my ears to conversation among foreigners in the train and so on.
stations communicating , we can make a short story in English.
  • For example, I found out that a spider made   its net between strap and the in the train which I took when going home.
  • I thought that people around there seemed not to notice the spider and its net.
  • Because they are in watching their smart phones.
 Today's action was  "on-the-spot telecast".

I found out that a spider was making its net between straps and overhead rack on a train home. 
Strange to say, nobody noticed the spider and its net. Having a look at them carefully, I got the reason why the people did not notice was that they were absorbed in their smartphone.
Although it was always familiar sight, I was worried that not pay attention to surrounding 
was very dangerous.
"The fault of another is a good teacher.", I have to be careful. 